December 25, 2010
Scenes from Christmas Day 2010

Santa baby

Most of the haul. Note the molecular! gastronomy! kit! zombies, great movies, and fountain pen. And Kinect with workout game.

A happy Monster.

The spread: standing rib roast with wine and Rosemary jus, roast fennel and Rosemary mashed potatoes, shredded Brussels sprouts with onion and crispy bacon, and yeast rolls.

Dessert: spiced pumpkin cake with caramel and orange cream cheese frosting.
It was great to share the day (and the meal!) with good friends old and new.
All in all, another successful year. :)
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Santa baby
Most of the haul. Note the molecular! gastronomy! kit! zombies, great movies, and fountain pen. And Kinect with workout game.
A happy Monster.
The spread: standing rib roast with wine and Rosemary jus, roast fennel and Rosemary mashed potatoes, shredded Brussels sprouts with onion and crispy bacon, and yeast rolls.
Dessert: spiced pumpkin cake with caramel and orange cream cheese frosting.
It was great to share the day (and the meal!) with good friends old and new.
All in all, another successful year. :)
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December 24, 2010
It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas... Spiced pumpkin cake with orange and caramel cream cheese frosting :)
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December 22, 2010
Paquitos' holiday decor is what happens when Mexico and Christmas have a baby.
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December 20, 2010
Week 26 CSA Box
6 oz. blueberries
2 local pink Cara Cara navels
1 sweet golden pineapple
2 lb. Yukon gold potatoes
1 head red cabbage red
1 huge +2 regular beets
1 bunch spinach
1 bunch collards
22 walnuts
6 fair trade bananas

December 15, 2010
WTF? Is my building getting ready to do the Time Warp? (see painted crap running across the street in front of the cars)
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December 9, 2010
Fair warning: followers of this blog may be holiday-ed out soon. What can I say? I can't guarantee I'm going to leave the house on any given day and I'm tired of dachshund pics. Ok, not tired of, exactly...
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December 6, 2010
Week 25 CSA Box
3 Jazz apples
4 Fair trade bananas
3 Baby bok choy
3 ears Local corn
2 Cucumbers
1 local Purple Globe eggplant
1 Tommy Atkins mangos
4 Satsuma mandarin oranges
2 D'Anjou pears
2 red bell peppers
3 Japanese sweet potatoes
5 oz. container Spring Mix salad
9 scallions
1 bunch spinach
1 pint local Grape tomatoes

December 3, 2010
Scenes from the outskirts of the Art Basel satellite exhibitions in Midtown. Above: orange spiky thing. Below: I couldn't resist. Dick chicken? And don't forget shark toof (lower right beside the car). My mind reels at the possibilities.
Apparently, whatever a dick chicken is, it owns.
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December 2, 2010
Mural outside Yiyas Bakery, my favorite go-to Cuban-style sandwich/just the right amount of food for lunch spot in Miami
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November 29, 2020
On the road again... Consequently, Willie Nelson got busted for pot again today.
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