February 9, 2010

Cops directing traffic while the city finally works on fixing the stoplight outside my new office.  Some days, working on tje 5th floor sucks.  Case in point:  yesterday, the westbound stoplight right. outside. my. window. was having some sort of meltdown and would intermittently quit cycling.  Traffic would back up and all the jackasses 5 car lengths back would honk their fool heads off.  (does that even help?! NO!!)

It got so bad at one point that the mo-tards in the front of the line decided to run the light in the middle of its cycle with like 30 cars after that following.  I'm surprised there wasn't a pileup.  

Needless to say, I had a whopper of a headache by the time the city (finally) decided to fix the light.


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